Property Styling: Is It Worth It?

airbnb styling at mascot

If you are planning on selling your house, you might wonder if you should invest in property styling. Professional home styling can be incredibly effective for homeowners and has now become one of the most effective home sale strategies in use today.

The housing market of today is pretty competitive. Property styling will not only help sell your home faster but may also get you higher offers from buyers. This is because property styling manages to boost the appeal of your home. How does that happen? And is it worth the costs? We will be discussing that and much more!

What Is Property Styling?

The concept of property styling or home staging is quite simple. It is no less than an art form that maximizes the appeal of a home to prospective buyers. Homeowners wanting to sell their property faster and for higher returns use property styling tools. Many real estate owners may also recommend hiring a property stylist to help you better market your property to prospective buyers. In short, home staging help better prepare a home for sale.

Property styling will usually involve several techniques to highlight the best features of your property and make it more appealing to a larger audience.  Your property styling team will plan and arrange furniture and accessories to help make your property more visually pleasing. These items are usually rented out for a 4 -6 week period. However, some property stylists may increase the rental period if required.

What Does A Property Styling Company Actually Do?

In reality, property styling is a lot more than just tidying up your home.

The way property stylists make your home more appealing is a mix of art and science. When selling a home, the first impression you make on your buyer is significant. If you make a great first impression, you will end up with a successful sale much faster than you have planned.

Property styling intends to tap into a buyer’s psychology to ensure that your property outshines in the market. Cluttered homes with one styling theme or design may be harder to sell. This is because buyers may find it difficult to visualize their furniture and belongings in their place.

Therefore, property stylists will make your homes stylish but not hint toward one theme or extreme. They will opt for a more neutral, homogenous style, appealing to a larger target audience. Reducing clutter will also help make your home seem more spacious and presentable, which is a bonus.

Property stylists will strategically place the furniture and accessories around your home to accentuate areas of value and make your home look its finest. They will simultaneously try to take the focus away from the negatives and mask any distractions.  

Is Property Styling Worth It?

We have gone over how a property stylist makes a property more visually appealing but is it worth the costs? You shouldn’t think of your property styling as a liability. Instead, think of it as an investment that will get you higher returns.

Property styling isn’t exactly a DIY project; it takes an expert’s skills and planning to be completed. Qualified property stylists will spend hours planning and visualizing your home to ensure the right furniture, accessories, form, and finishes are used for your home. Not everyone can coordinate all aspects of your property styling this way.

a stylist is working

Benefits of Hiring a Property Stylist From A Property Styling Company

There are many benefits of hiring a professional stylist to improve your home marketing efforts. Some significant benefits include:

Expert Styling:

A property stylist has an eye for tasteful furniture and home accessories. When you work with a property stylist, you will be getting access to expert selections. The items used to decorate your home will help make your house look a lot more inviting while making the most of your available space. This type of styling requires a professional skill set.

Reach a Larger Target Audience & Attract More Potential Buyers:

The home buyers you will be showing off your property to may not find a single style appealing. If you use a style that doesn’t appeal to them, you will be missing out on a part of your audience. Property stylists use a neutral style for your home that doesn’t extend to one extreme sense of style or design. In this way, your home can reach a much larger demographic. The larger audience you reach, the more offers you will get, increasing your chances of a higher sale price.

That’s not all; beautiful photos of your property with impeccable styling on online listings will also help attract more potential buyers. Don’t be too surprised if you see people starting to bid on your property.

Make Your Property Look More Spacious:

Property stylists will have you remove most of your home belongings, future, family photos, and old home decor. Once your home is decluttered, it will be set with new items in a layout that makes your property look more spacious. Sometimes you won’t have to remove all your furniture; you can use partial property styling as well. In this case, most of the property styling will involve rearranging what’s already there.

property styling

Improve Your Home Aesthetic:

Property stylists use expert interior designing techniques to make homes more aesthetically pleasing to look at. They will carefully select a colour palette that suits your home styling, paired with more appealing furniture and home decor. Some homes may need slight tweaks here and there for the desired results, while others may require complete transformations. Just remember that a clean and well-maintained home will always appeal to potential buyers better.

Creating a Positive First Impression:

Remember, it’s all about the first impressions! A well-styled home will create a lasting impression on any potential buyer that walks in. They may also be willing to pay you a higher price to secure the property. On the other hand, if your home is poorly styled, cluttered, and isn’t pleasing to look at, you may struggle to find a potential buyer.

Increase Your Sale Price:

When you attract a wider audience, you will surely receive more and more offers for your property. Property styling can effectively boost the final sale price of your home and increase the number of offers you receive as well. As we mentioned earlier, property styling is an investment, and if done right, it can get a lot of returns.

Add both Comfort & Convenience:

When you imagine property styling, you may think of cold, dull, or one-dimensional styles. But that is not true. Property styling is a mix of modern and contemporary tones that make your home seem comforting, welcoming, and yet sleek and stylish.  

Remove Distractions:

If your home is filled with your possessions, belongings, personal photos, and furniture, it may not appeal to your audience. Your buyers want to be able to visualize their belongings in the space to be certain the house is the right fit for them.  If your home is filled with such distractions, it may be difficult for potential buyers to visualize their belongings filling the space. Property stylists will remove any signs of your taste or style that may distract potential buyers.

What Do the Statistics Say About Property Styling?

Still not sure about hiring a property stylist? Let’s go through the evidence and see what it suggests.

According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, 82% of buyers’ agents say that home staging makes it easier for buyers to visualize their belongings in the property. The same report states that 47% of buyers’ agents claimed that home staging seemed to influence the buyer’s view of the home.

23% of buyers’ agents also reported that staging a home increased the dollar value offered by 1% to 5% compared to homes that weren’t staged. Simply put, home staging influences your home buyers’ decisions.

Another survey by the Real Estate Staging Association concludes that out of the 4,600 properties they surveyed, homes that were staged sold approximately 9 days faster than others. The Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation also reported that staged homes sell for nearly 6% more than the asking price.

So, we can conclude from these statistics that yes, property staging is worth the cost and hiring a property stylist can help sell your house faster and at a better price.

property styling for bedroom

Are You Looking For A Property Styling?

Having your property professionally styled requires time, patience, and creativity. Finding the right professional home stylists is the first step towards a nicely styled home. They have the necessary skills and experience needed to transform any space into a visually pleasing home.

LikeStyling is one of the leading property stylists in Sydney, specializing in styling properties for sale. Our team carefully studies your property and wisely selects furniture, artwork, rugs, and home decor to help style your home. We work to accentuate the best features of the property so your buyers can see its true potential. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and wait while your property is sold much quicker than you had originally planned!

For quality and affordable property staging services with transparent fees, contact us today.

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