Best Ways To Use Flowers For Open House To Impress Your Visitors

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Making a great first impression is key when selling your home and that includes sprucing up the place for open house day. Expert stagers say that adding fresh flowers is one of the simplest and most effective ways to do this. Here are some property styling tips about using flowers to decorate your home for an open house and impress potential buyers.

Fresh Flowers in the Entryway to Make a Great First Impression 

You want buyers to be wowed the moment they walk through the door and keep that in mind long after they have left. What better way to do this than by placing a beautiful vase of fresh flowers in the entryway? 

Fresh flowers can instantly enliven your home by adding natural colour and inviting fragrance. Plus, studies show that adding fresh flowers to a home can also help symbolise hospitality, resulting in greater interest from potential buyers!

Put Flowers in Key Areas to Add a Touch of Elegance

Brighten up your living space with a touch of elegance by adding flowers to the key areas. Fresh flowers like roses, daisies or tulips will revive the atmosphere in any room and add a warm, cozy feeling. 

  • Put them in the living room, where they will make a lasting impression on guests. 
  • Keep a few large blooms in a vase in the kitchen to provide an added burst of energy. 
  • Alternatively, add some potted plants with delicate petals to give your bathroom area a spa-like ambience. 

Placing flowers strategically throughout your home will instantly add an inviting and sophisticated flair.

Choose Seasonal Flowers That Coordinate with Your Home’s Color Scheme 

Adding flowers in bloom around the walkway and entrance will create a welcoming feel and show buyers that you have paid attention to detail. This can help them envision living in the home and think of it as their own. Neutral colours are best, such as pastels or muted tones, but don’t be afraid to bring some bright colours; just make sure they complement your house’s colour scheme. You want buyers to be charmed by your home, not repulsed by jarring colours! So don’t forget this important detail when trying to make an impression!

Avoid Using Too Many Flowers or Overwhelming Buyers with Strong Scents

When selecting flowers and fragrances for an event, it is important to be thoughtful with the choices. Too many flowers can become overwhelming and create an oversaturated environment, while strong scents can overpower guests or customers. 

The best way to approach choosing flowers and scents is by being strategic with the selections and going with quality over quantity. Subtle floral decorations can add a nice aesthetic that won’t become distracting. At the same time, scented items on the softer side will allow for a pleasant aroma without feeling like you are in a cloud of fragrance. 

Use Potted Plants Instead of Cut Flowers for a More Long-Lasting Decoration 

When doing property staging, one way to enhance the atmosphere without being costly is to decorate with potted plants instead of cut flowers. Not only do potted plants last longer than cut flowers, but they also add a touch of class and sophistication with little effort. Potted plants are versatile and come in all shapes, sizes and colours; they look great near door entries or window sills and can be used as centrepieces or decorations for tables or counters. 

Like Styling: For The Best Property Styling

If you don’t know what type of decor will work for your space, get in touch with Like Styling, one of the leading property stylists in Australia known for providing unparalleled property styling services at affordable rates. Our expert property stylist will make your space stand on the market so you can get the best price for your home.

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